Domain View

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If you have recorded many browsing sessions, then you have a large collection of WWW pages stored on your computer's hard disk. One way to view this collection of pages, is to sort them according to the hierarchy of domains. (Domains are the part of the URL that indicate the type of organization which created a particular WWW page.) Domain View allows you to sort your stored WWW pages in three different ways. You can also create a URL List using Domain View.

DName Menu There are three viewing mode.
DName Field
If you know a site's name, you can find it easily, using the "alphabetic" view. On the left side, there are triangles. If you click a triangle, one more level will open. If you push the Option key and click a triangle, the all the levels will open. If you again click a triangle, it will close. If you double-click any item, it will be displayed in Netscape Navigator.
Reverse Order
high to low
This setting displays site names alphabetically, but starts with the last part of the site names, then proceeds to the second-from-last part of the names, and so on.
Domain Order
domain hierarchy
When items are displayed by domain hierarchy, they are grouped by top-level domains (com, edu, jp), then by second-level domains (netscape, apple), and so on.

In any of the three viewing modes, any colons appeared after the site names, which are separators for the succeeding port numbers, are replaced with dollar signs, due to Macintosh's specific use of colons for folder hierarchies.

Domain Order On the Domain View screen, hold the Option key, click the mouse button, and this menu will be displayed.

There are three different ways of selecting items in Domain View. First, you can simply click on an item. Second, you can click on one item, move to another item, and click on it while holding down the Shift key. This will select the range of items between those two points. Third, you can click anywhere on the Domain View list, then hold down the Command key and press the letter A, to select all of the items.

create Domain View from selection
You can create a new Domain View window that displays only a selected portion of this Domain View window.
create URL list
This will search all of the selected Domain View items, and make a URL List from them. This list is very similar to the History List, because the URLs are displayed in the reverse order of WWW pages were stored on your hard disk.